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Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. 

Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. 

Sacred Prayer to the Goddess:

"Dear Goddess,

Bless me, grant me.. with a love so real.. bless me, grant me.. with a heart that's healed.. Fix me, correct me.. where I'm wrong... repair me, restore me.. into an untouched song. A song so sweet, a melody so pure.. a sound so authentic.. that it opens heavens door. For I am ready, for I choose now.. to be a servant, under a Goddess spell.

In your name, A(wo)men."

Self Dream'Her E1.png
Self Dream'Her E1.png

Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. 

Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. 

Letter from Deneé:

You chose 'The Devil' Card.

Ok we need to talk...


I don't know how to bring this up in a 'nice way'... but if I'm going to be honest I need to get this off my chest.


 What you've been 'dabbling' in isn't right... isn't good... isn't 'who you truly are.'

And I know you know that.

I know you may have tried to downplay what you're up to... and pretend it's fine...

But it's not fine.

And you deserve better than that.

You deserve more.

"But who even would know?"

"Who even would it impact?"

"It's not hurting anyone."

But it is.

It's hurting you.

It's hurting the way you see yourself.

And impacting the person you think you are.

If you're trying to 'hide' it and not let anyone find out...

That should be the sign.

The sign somethings not right.

So I'm here to double down and solidify that feeling.

I'm here to to get you to open your eyes and SEE the truth.

So what do you see?


(Allow yourself to SEE what you SEE.)

I'm not here to cast judgement... to shame you or to make you feel bad...

You probably are already feeling those things.

But what I am here to do.. is help you to SEE and trust what you know.

You know what's RIGHT and WRONG.

You know whats GOOD and BAD.

You know.

Trust your inner knowing.

Trust your gut.

I know you don't want to go down 'that road.'

So don't.

Don't continue on.


Choose again.

Choose a new direction and choose yourself.

The Universe bends for the courageous.

You making this 'move' will be the beginning of a waaaay better life.

I'm proud of you.

You know what to do.

All the trust,


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1. I deserve to be someones first pick.

2. I'm a high value woman.

3. I surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.

4. I put myself first while also considering the needs of those I love.

5. I choose the right.

6. I trust myself and my decisions.

7. My slate has been washed clean and my past released with gratitude.

Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. 

Book a Tarot Reading from Deneé

What you will receive:

30 Minute Tarot Reading Video

(You will receive an email with a link to your video 7 days after purchase)

Bonuses also included:

☾ Prayer (Custom made)

☾ Sacred Spell (Custom made)

☾ 7 Affirmations (Custom made)

☾ Love Letter from Deneé (Custom made)

Price: $333 NZD

IMPORTANT: When booking please understand this is not a Video call WITH Deneé. Deneé will be recording a 30 minute reading in response to the topic you choose on the booking form. You will receive a email with a youtube link to your reading after 7 days of purchase.

Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. 


Virgo- Vixen to Virgin New Moon Ceremony NOW AVAILABLE

Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. 

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