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Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. Pick Me. 

Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. 

Sacred Prayer to the Goddess:

"Dear Goddess,

Do you believe I'll attract a love.. so real and true and founded on trust? Do you believe he'll be good to me... treat me so well my Mum would cuss? She'd freak and cry with tears of joy.. that a man so righteous then would destroy... all others before no match for him... for he is here to restore my kin.

In your name, A(wo)men."

Self Dream'Her E1.png
Self Dream'Her E1.png

Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. 

Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. Love Me. 

Letter from Deneé:

You chose 'The High Priestess' Card.

Slow down.. take a breathe.



Soften your brow bone.

Soften your jaw.

Soften your shoulders.

Allow yourself to 'check in' for a moment.

How are you doing?


(Listen for an answer.)

Like really?

How has your day been?


(Listen for an answer.)

What was your favourite part?


(Listen for an answer.)

Who do you have a crush on?


(Listen for an answer.)

And why?

Who's got you smiling from ear to ear?

Who makes you feel special?

Thought of?

Accounted for?

And what if? Everything your heart had been yearning for... was available to you right now in this moment.

That you; serendipitously, stumbled across this page and these words.. for a reason.

And the reason is: You're ready.

You're ready to let love in.

In all its many facets and dimensions.

All it's different shades and colours.

In all it's glory.

Knock knock... who's there?

It's Love.

Love who?

Love you.

Welcome Lover.. I'm happy you're alive.

I'm happy you're still here.. blessing this world with your presence and beauty.

I'm grateful you're still pushing forward... striving... making sh*t happen.

I'm pleased to know you exist.

Just thought you should know that you matter.

Your dreams matter.

Your heart matters.

Your mind matters.

Your body too.

Your spirit.

All of you.

It all matters.

I just wanted you to know that there's nothing wrong with you.

Nothing wrong with you being emotional.

Being moody.. being 'expressive.'

When you were born... the world instantly became a better place.

You have energy and an essence that can't be replicated, replaced or recreated.

So unique.

So custom made.

So very 'you'.

We're all grateful you're here.

And anyone who says otherwise... is wrong.

All the love.


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1. Love surrounds me now.

2. Love is sitting with me.

3. The feeling of love is growing within me and it feels incredible.

4. I am connected to love and nothing can disconnect me.

5. The energy of love is my birthright.

6. I am loveable.

7. I let love in.

Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. 

Book a Tarot Reading from Deneé

What you will receive:

30 Minute Tarot Reading Video

(You will receive an email with a link to your video 7 days after purchase)

Bonuses also included:

☾ Prayer (Custom made)

☾ Sacred Spell (Custom made)

☾ 7 Affirmations (Custom made)

☾ Love Letter from Deneé (Custom made)

Price: $333 NZD

IMPORTANT: When booking please understand this is not a Video call WITH Deneé. Deneé will be recording a 30 minute reading in response to the topic you choose on the booking form. You will receive a email with a youtube link to your reading after 7 days of purchase.

Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. 


Virgo- Vixen to Virgin New Moon Ceremony NOW AVAILABLE

Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. Book Me. 

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