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Her Story


Feminine Heart.

Romantic beauty birthed from the Goddess Sylvia's divine womb. Made from star dust, rose petals and a sparkle of diamonds; she was born to have an enviable shine. Bestowed with the ability to heal even the most broken of hearts and making them whole. Her mother blessed her with the gift of eternal youth.


Masculine Mind.

Only the daughter of Deon himself could illicit such a lightening show of a life and she doesn't disappoint. Daughter to the God of Gods, she is the most favourite and sacred of all his creations. Every time the moon is crescent like the sunset eve she was born under she is able to uncover a new gift. Never a mortal gift, her father blesses her with the best.


Divine Soul.

Ancient energy reborn in these latter days. Having already mastered Earth school she's been requested back to help birth a new 'sun'. She has the power of perfection; bringing order to chaos and creating art out of the process. Beauty is her purpose and elevating the Earths consciousness to experience transcendent states of love. 

Her Work

Self Love Coach

What do I do? I teach women how to love themselves. Weird right? Why wasn't this taught in schools? Because most of the people teaching you didn't know how to love themselves either. #sadstory. So allow me to do what I do best and reintroduce you to Her'. Don't worry she won't bite... although she might have a whole lot to say since you've ignored Her' for so long... 

Beauty Witch

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, beauty brilliance I have it all." I'm the Mean Girl of the Beauty Industry. I believe there's enough evidence in the world to say that ugly is a choice. And I have no sympathy for ugly. Play the victim card, tell me the sad story and recite your list of insecurities.. I'm not buying it. If you're ugly it's because you're currently deciding to be. But if you wanna 'sit with us' and get your #PRETTYPRIVILEGE card you'll have to leave Her' behind.     

Meditative Storyteller.

What does that mean? In simple terms: I brain*wash* you into believing in yourself. Imagine for a moment you had a brain.... (haha) that never showered. Ew... Vom. You've been rocking the 'I haven't showered mindset for I don't know how many years' not knowing that washing your brain everyday was the new normal. But don't worry, let me be the REAL FRIEND who tells you you have toilet paper stuck to your heel. 

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